Thursday, February 7, 2013


I am already a month into this semester and I can't even believe how fast it has gone. It probably helps that I'm super stressed and busy! I've had some pretty dang good memories in the last month though! I got to take Chris, Spencer, Erik, Matthew, Chandler, and Daniel up to the cabin to go "snowmobiling" Which also included the four wheelers, the razor, a snowboard, and a sled. It was an awesome day that I got to spend with some of my very first friends this last semester. 

It made it even better that we got to go to the train and eat after! That is my favorite restaurant up there! I loved it! Some of my favorite people at one of my favorite places. 

Also, just recently, Kandace and Chad moved to Minneapolis. It is weird that they are ALREADY gone. I knew the time would come, but I didn't realize it would be that fast! I miss them so much already! Awesome news, is my sister just got called as the 2nd Counselor in the YW presidency as well as the Camp Director. I'm super excited for her and I know that she will love it! I was very lucky to spend the last night with them at the BYU basketball game. 

Guess what else just happened?! My very best friend hit his year mark on January 18th! He has been gone for over a year. I can't believe that it is ALREADY here! I thought the day would never come! He has been such an influence in my life and I can't wait to see him again soon! 

Lauren just got her mission call to Cebu, Philippines. Yes, the exact same mission that both of her parents served in! Crazy girl! I'm so excited for her and I know that she is going to do amazing things for the people of the Philippines. 

I'm really enjoying my classes this semester but they are definitely keeping me on my toes. 18 credits is a killer, especially with an internship and work. I do not know how I'm even getting a social life! Apparently I am losing sleep because I was out cold in my class this morning! 

There is a quick catch up on my life! I can't believe that I am almost already 20! Life is going by way too fast. Live it up Nat! :)