Sunday, March 25, 2012

Friday Events

This weekend was amazing!! It started off with a very crazy morning of trying to get ready for the big day. Kandace looked beautiful and It's still so weird to me that she is married. The reception went amazing. I can't wait to get back the pictures. I'm pretty sure everyone thought I was pretty nuts by the end of the night. But it was a party and a half. A night that I will never forget. Especially after some of Chad's friends changed the sign because the bride and groom had plotted way to much to not get the car decorated.

Conception Time. Genius boys. Got creative because they plotted to not get the car decorated.

Immediately following the reception, I went to Hunger Games. BEST MOVIE! I loved every minute of it. Team Gale all the way. He is such a babe. I also love my best friends. I loved that Kelsey spilt Icee all over Lacey so she looked like she wet herself. Glad Lacey could just laugh about it after.

I also cannot forget talking to one of my best friends in the airport Friday morning. I couldn't believe it when my phone lit up and said Elder!! He will do so well in Boise and will hopefully be to Oaxaca in a couple weeks. Miss him. 

I also think that friday night is the best I've slept in years. It was such a fun day, but I was very exhausted by the end of it! Happy for the New Hylands and Excited for Elder Stevenson in Boise. Very successful day.

Oh but don't let me forget, I caught the bouquet of  flowers so it seems to me that I am next:) Not anytime soon!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


As of tonight, the fun has begun. Tonight was Kandace and Chad's "Dinner" for all the family. It was EPIC. And it was at the restaurant Epic. I had a blast. I loved seeing all of the family and meeting Chad's family. We ate delicious food and an amazing program was put on. My parents got up and did the ABC's of Kandace. It really made me emotional. I couldn't believe it. I can't believe that my sister is getting married tomorrow. My best friend. I love her. Grandpa Pope also sang which was so good. Chad's parents spoke, and another lady sang. She sang as song called Feels like home. It was amazing. A new one of my favorites. Can't wait for the temple and reception tomorrow. Oh and I'm excited to go to Hunger Games tomorrow!! It should be a fun filled day. And I have a little surprise phone call hopefully coming tomorrow morning. We will see!! Could be a very good/emotional day for me tomorrow. But once it's over, I'll be screaming HALLEFREAKINLUJAH. :) I'm out! Night!


Today is the day that I broke and got a blog. I decided to name it Express Yourself because I need to learn to express myself more. I am going to start by hopefully writing on my blog once a week, if not more. I'll talk about my life, crazy experiences, my roommates, drama, boys, food, stupid videos I watch, vacations, work, awkward moments, etc. I hope that any of you that read this are entertained. I'm doing this more for myself than anyone, but if you do read. Leave a comment. I'd appreciate it! Well. Let the world of Blogging Begin.