Friday, April 20, 2012

Freshman Year. Draws to an end.

I was a very nervous, anxious little girl as I packed up to come to BYU this last fall. I was nervous about living alone without my family and friends. I couldn't imagine what my roommates were going to be like after stalking them on facebook. I didn't dare think about classes and how difficult they were going to be. I had no idea what life as a freshman was going to be like.

It has definitely been better than I would have ever expected. I have learned and grown more than I ever thought I would. I have accomplished things I never thought I could. I have had experiences that have shaped me into a more mature, better Natalie.

Let me being by thanking the multiple people that have had a huge influence on me these last 8 months.
My parents have been my rock. They have supported me through everything in my life. From clogging, to school, to sports, to student council, and even through my church callings. They have raised me and have had the biggest impact on the person I am today. I love them so much. My mom has been my inspiration. I hope that one day I can be just like her. My dad is the best. I love that he honors his priesthood and is always willing to give me a blessing in times of need.

Next is Chad and Kandace Hyland. My beautiful sister and brother-in-law as of almost a month. They are such an example to me. I hope and pray that one day I can have a love like theirs. Chad treats her like a queen and always finds way to make her feel special. It is all that she deserves. She is my best friend. She has always been the best example of doing what is right and being confident. She is very successful, and I look up to her so much. They are always so willing to feed me dinner after work or let me hang with them when I need a break. I love you two! :)

Now I can't forget my goofball of a brother Nathan. He may be bigger than me and stronger than me, but I can still take him down. It's an older sister's job to pick on him. He means more to me than he will ever know. I wish my testimony when I was his age was as strong as his. He is such an example to me. He always makes me want to be better. I love that we can tease each other but do it with love and kindness. I look up to him and love the memories that we have had together and I can't wait to create more!!

Besides my incredible family, there are two incredible girls that I have gotten to share this whole year with. 

Lacey and I have a whole lot in common! It's almost bizarre how similar we are. People may laugh, but someone was thinking and knew what they were doing when they put us together. She has taught me so many life lessons and just some crazy lessons that will be used sometime in my life. (You know what I am talking about.) I love you and I can't wait to see you around all the time next fall. 

We have made lot's of fun memories and insides jokes with each other. These girls have seen the good and the bad of me. Thanks for always putting up with me. 

We also had some pretty crazy evenings/ mornings together. We really like to steal peoples cameras and act like goofballs. Typical girls. 

Kelsey, is my favorite ginger. She definitely knows how to rock a tutu. We have had so many laughs together. We have shared so many secrets together. And she always gives the best advice. She has also taught me many life/ love lessons. OH and some pretty rocking dance moves.  I really do love her. I'm going to miss her this summer, but I can't wait to party with her all next year. 

They are always so great to support me in my endeavors. I don't think there have been many nights that I have been out late and they haven't stayed up for me to hear it all went. They are so supportive and I hope that we can be best friends for a very long time. 

One of our last nights together this year. It will be weird to say goodbye. They have impacted me so much. They are always such good examples and I can't tell you how many amazing memories we have made together. I love you both.

Now let me touch on the incredible Provo YSA 114th Ward of the Provo YSA 8th Stake. They are all amazing! I was so blessed to have such an amazing calling and having the opportunity to work with so many incredible people. We had some really fun activities and they wouldn't have been near as successful if I didn't have so much love and support from the Ward family. 

I don't think anyone will forget this memory of the ward?? :) 
It was such a blast getting to know each and everyone one of you. I wish I could have gotten to know more of you on an individual basis, but I know that you all will accomplish  so many incredible things in your life. Boys. Good Luck on your missions. And Girls. I will be seeing you all around on campus. 

Quick Thanks to an incredible Co-Chair. He really helped me out a ton. I wouldn't have been able to function with out Scott. He really save my bacon this last semester. He is incredible. Good Luck with your many incredible Endeavors Scottie-Boy! You are such a lifesaver!

I can't thank enough my favorite boys from Wyview. Good old Maxwell, C-Steve, and Snow Leopard. Thanks for always letting me crash on the couch. Thanks for always being my friend. I'm going to miss you boys. We have had some very good times and memories together. I wish you all the best of Luck on your missions and we will be having a big reunion when you all get back! :) 

Now don't let me forget those incredible Oregon and Michigan Friends!! :) Katie, Tallmadge, Aaron, Kruse, Ian, and Kaitlyn. You guys are incredible. 

I will also never forget what an impact the 8 pack had on me! Thanks for the memories! 

Don't let me forget the incredible girls in my hallway! I wish I could have gotten to know more of you! Keep Smiling! 

I can't thank everyone personally! So Thank you everyone that has had an impact on me! I appreciate your friendship and I hope we can stay in Touch!! :)

Thanks for the memories! You have all taught me so many things I am going to take with me throughout life. I appreciate every single one of you! I love you! And i can't wait to see what Sophomore Year has in store for me!! :)