Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer Sun!

I don't get to start my summer like everyone else does this week. I've got two more weeks of spring classes, then I will get to join in on the summer fun! I have loved my Human Anatomy class but I am counting down the days until I'm down. From the bones, to the muscles, to arteries, to veins, to all the organs, and all the little notches and bumps on all the organs. It has been a tough class but I am impressed with how much I have learned in such a short time period.
Also, Let me get out there that I have mono. I was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago. I have never been so sick in my life. I thought I was hit by a Semi Truck! Everything hurt so bad! I'm doing a little bit better now!
I also this week got my first sunburn! I'm one that sunburns quite alot. But usually after the first few sunburns it isn't too bad! Hopefully this one doesn't peel- That's my least favorite thing!
On to newer pastures for all you seniors. I can't believe it has already been a year since my graduation. I feel like it was just happening. I miss all my High School friends. I wish I could go back and relive my senior year. I would do quite a few things differently. Live it up friends. I am missing the missionary alot this week as well. I'm excited to spend a weekend with his sister at Bear Lake!  Well... That's all for today. I've got to get back to my studying. Enjoy the Sun!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

As the Adventures Continue..

Once winter semester was over, I thought I would catch a little bit of a break before Spring Semester started- That didn't happen. I was also hoping with only one class, I would still have a social life. That didn't happen either. Human Anatomy has been a very tough, but very intriguing class. I have learned lot's about the body and It has definitely strengthened my testimony of my Heavenly Father. Our bodies are COMPLEX. It has been a very good experience for me.
I also am about to hit the 4 month mark with the missionary. I miss him. I got to talk with him on Sunday and it was amazing to hear his voice. I also got to curl up in his favorite blanket and the one I would always steal when I was at his apartment. It still smells like him. It was fun to be with his family again. I enjoyed the company of his twin sister. The teasing from his dad and brother. As well as, some very nice advice from his sister-in-laws. I'm hoping that this summer I can meet his nieces and nephew, because that was all Carson talked about while they were here in December from Georgia. Carson is so great with those Kids though! Look how adorable! :)

He thinks he is so cool. Typical Boys.

We also got the wedding pictures this last week! It was so fun to look back on those moments. The videographer also sent his videos. I'm slightly embarrassed. He got some embarrassing video of me dancing. Check out some pictures! 

 She wanted the first hug from me:) I love her!
 This is my little Cousin Tyler who has Down Syndrome. He is such a sweet little guy! He loves Chad. This was such a cute moment. Tyler was patting Chad on the back. He ended up toppling down the stairs when Chad put him down though.
 The whole crew at the temple! So fun to have so many loved ones there.
 Kisses :) Love her. It's weird that she is now a Hyland. Love him though!
 Aren't they cute. I didn't realize how short my mommy was. We are so luck to have such incredible parents.
 The bridal party! We had a blast! I love all of these people!
 Beautiful women and the lucky husband. It was so fun!
 The photographer got us laughing. But I love her so much and am so grateful for the times we have had together as sisters and as well as best friends.
 The Clegg side. It was tough not having my mom's parents there, we are all really missing them. But it is nice to have a picture of almost everyone. It has been a long time since we've had one. I wish we would have taken more!
 The happy family, with my new brother! I'm so happy to have him as part of the family!
 Love these two women. They have been such examples to me. I look up to them both, and hope some day I can be just like them!
The CRAZY siblings. He wanted some personality so Chad leaned in on us. Couldn't have been a funnier moment. 
 One again, the lovely ladies.
This picture is one of my favorites. All these little girls love and adore Kandace. I know they all look up to her. She is such a good example to every single one of us! I love you Kandace!