Monday, August 6, 2012


I'm not quite sure where I want to go with this- but I feel guilty for not writing in quite some time. I apologize. Some pretty crazy fun things have been happening recently.

Let me begin with a good friend of mine. You know those friends that know exactly how you are feeling. That you can finish each others sentences. And when you don't have words to describe how you are feeling, they can say it exactly how you wish you could say it. Well I found me one of those! My good friends has impacted my life in ways I never expected this summer. This quote sums it up. "It's so amazing when someone comes into your life and you expect nothing out of it, but suddenly, there right in front of you is all that you have been looking for." Yes that can be taken romantically but it is not that way with us. I met him one evening when he tagged along with a friend to a little High School get together at the beginning of summer. From that point on my summer was changed. We went to the mall a couple nights later with some friends to find a watch. We had a good chat on the way home about life. He told me about his life, and I told him about mine. We had more in common than we thought we did. From that point on, I would tell him anything that was going on. He gave the best advice. We hung out multiple times this summer and I made some great memories with him. Not only some great memories, but he taught me many life lessons. My favorite being the very simple, "Remember who you are." Just this last week, I had to say goodbye and send him back to the big State of Texas to see his family for a month, before he went up to Idaho for school. Besides saying goodbye to some missionaries, this was a pretty hard goodbye even though I knew it was a see you soon. It's been weird to have him gone but he has taught me more than he knows.

I also have been spending lots of time with my family this summer! We've had some great bonding experiences and actually just this weekend we took a trip to the mountains. I worked my dad and little brother with the bow and arrow actually. But my mom and I had some very good bonding moments this weekend. I love being with the family at times- but it is definitely time to move out and be taking care of myself again!!:) I also have had some good bonding time with my brother. We actually went on a "date" and the waiter gave the stuff to Nathan. The poor waiter was so embarrassed when I told him it was my card and he is my little brother that is 4 years younger than me!:) We went to the American Idol Tour and have been being the best friends. He's nice to have around at times- but he still gets on my nerves.

I like to shoot paintball guns randomly?

Oh I had hand surgery as well. I got a cyst removed and my mom picked out an awesome pink wrap:)

I got to meet the adorable Stevenson kids. Carson's Nieces and Nephew. They were the cutest things! I want to go by Natalie Poke Sweaty Orf from now on. I loved them and hope to see them again soon. I'm thinking I'm just going to need a trip to Georgia to go visit them! 

I like to eat lot's and lot's of Chick-fil-a at work!! I should seriously stop doing that!

We like to take fun pictures at work. Totally against the rules:)

This is Elder Aaron Wilson. He's leaving on his mission soon! He did an incredible job at his farewell. I'm gonna miss this boy. He does give some pretty dang good advice.

Evan Johnson is done working at Tie One on. Sad day. I'm going to miss him but he is going to be an incredible missionary! I can't wait to hear how he likes Portland!

New Cousin Baby Trevor Quinton. He's the cutest thing! Congrats Greg and Tara. Oh and I like the name. (I voted for that one)

This was my Texas boy driving down the street after saying goodbye. I realized I never took a picture with him and I am very upset about that. I need to do better at that. And yes, that is a really nice jeep:)

Daddy and I on the four wheeler. Like my bug eyes?! Yeah me too.

Us at the heber Rodeo Saturday night. I am a cowgirl at heart. I love Rodeo's!

Well I think it is past my bedtime! So goodnight!

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