Sunday, December 23, 2012

Beginning to End

As I begin my post tonight, I'm thinking what a slacker I have been with my blog and then I realize that I really didn't have much time to just sit down and write. I'm going to try and do better, but I have a feeling this next semester is going to be even crazier. I'm going to start with my experiences from this whole semester.

Let me start with the people that I have met and have impacted my life through this last semester. My lovely roommate Lauren is where I'd like to begin. She is one of the most incredible, thoughtful, beautiful young lady I have ever met. She was always picking me up and making me feel important. She is going to make the most amazing Sister Missionary! I've loved rooming with her and I'm excited for the memories that will be made this next semester!

The other two roommates that I was randomly blessed with have changed my life! Hayley and Kat are two of the most amazing young ladies. We are always having way too much fun in our apartment! If any of you ever want to join a party, our apartment is the place to be.

Don't even get my started on my awesome friends I have made. Amazon, Party, Taken, Tofu, E-Rock, and Chandyland, were some of the first. They are always there for me and love the Knock and Walk approach that has become tradition in that household.
 Sean, Derek, Nate, and Ben made quite the impact on me. These boys always know how to have fun and will do practically anything- even wear female clothing- to entertain.
Sean, Derek, Greg, and Micai became big fans towards the end of semester. I sometimes think I spent too much time in their apartment.
I look at Matt, Preston, Rick, and Fitzy and love the friendship that I started with them! I hope that I can keep getting to know all of these awesome friends so much better.
Now I can't be forgetting my lovely, social roommates from last year that live just a couple doors down. I am always stopping in to say hello and without fail, they have people over. I really miss having them around all the time, but I love being as close to them as I am.

This semester was full of many ups and down, but has helped me learn and grow so much. From random people over playing games, to inviting home teachers over for dinner, to Cabin Dance parties, to Boys like Girls and All- American Rejects Concert, game nights, Dish Duty, Halloween and Christmas Parties, Ice Skating, Late Night Hospital Runs, Tripping up the stairs, break ups and drama, Awkward Blind dates, Football Games, Basketball Games, Walmart Runs, Hayley Working out, Decorating Halloween Gingerbread houses, Calculus parties, late night talks, Girls Night and Chris, Coin Flipping dates, Morphing faces, Wrestling matches, and much much more! I'm sure I could go on and on about the crazy things that have happened. I've loved and learned from everything this semester and can't wait to see what life brings this next semester!!:)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's that TIME again!

Ding, Ding, Ding! School is back in session! My mom and brother started back up on Tuesday and I get to start on Monday! I got all moved in to my new apartment and I absolutely love it! I got to see my two favorite girls last night after a long time of being away! I'm so happy they are back here in Provo! I've got myself ready to go back to school and now is the waiting game! Today I have a very long shift at work- but then the fun begins! Tomorrow we are having a big party with my girls and our families! Saturday we are having a family party at Yuba lake! I can't wait to see Randy and congratulate him on the upcoming baptism! Sunday I get to meet all my new wardies- Then Monday the fun begins! Yeah I am very excited for school to start if you couldn't tell! Things are going just great and I hope everyone is enjoying school or ready to start school!!

Monday, August 6, 2012


I'm not quite sure where I want to go with this- but I feel guilty for not writing in quite some time. I apologize. Some pretty crazy fun things have been happening recently.

Let me begin with a good friend of mine. You know those friends that know exactly how you are feeling. That you can finish each others sentences. And when you don't have words to describe how you are feeling, they can say it exactly how you wish you could say it. Well I found me one of those! My good friends has impacted my life in ways I never expected this summer. This quote sums it up. "It's so amazing when someone comes into your life and you expect nothing out of it, but suddenly, there right in front of you is all that you have been looking for." Yes that can be taken romantically but it is not that way with us. I met him one evening when he tagged along with a friend to a little High School get together at the beginning of summer. From that point on my summer was changed. We went to the mall a couple nights later with some friends to find a watch. We had a good chat on the way home about life. He told me about his life, and I told him about mine. We had more in common than we thought we did. From that point on, I would tell him anything that was going on. He gave the best advice. We hung out multiple times this summer and I made some great memories with him. Not only some great memories, but he taught me many life lessons. My favorite being the very simple, "Remember who you are." Just this last week, I had to say goodbye and send him back to the big State of Texas to see his family for a month, before he went up to Idaho for school. Besides saying goodbye to some missionaries, this was a pretty hard goodbye even though I knew it was a see you soon. It's been weird to have him gone but he has taught me more than he knows.

I also have been spending lots of time with my family this summer! We've had some great bonding experiences and actually just this weekend we took a trip to the mountains. I worked my dad and little brother with the bow and arrow actually. But my mom and I had some very good bonding moments this weekend. I love being with the family at times- but it is definitely time to move out and be taking care of myself again!!:) I also have had some good bonding time with my brother. We actually went on a "date" and the waiter gave the stuff to Nathan. The poor waiter was so embarrassed when I told him it was my card and he is my little brother that is 4 years younger than me!:) We went to the American Idol Tour and have been being the best friends. He's nice to have around at times- but he still gets on my nerves.

I like to shoot paintball guns randomly?

Oh I had hand surgery as well. I got a cyst removed and my mom picked out an awesome pink wrap:)

I got to meet the adorable Stevenson kids. Carson's Nieces and Nephew. They were the cutest things! I want to go by Natalie Poke Sweaty Orf from now on. I loved them and hope to see them again soon. I'm thinking I'm just going to need a trip to Georgia to go visit them! 

I like to eat lot's and lot's of Chick-fil-a at work!! I should seriously stop doing that!

We like to take fun pictures at work. Totally against the rules:)

This is Elder Aaron Wilson. He's leaving on his mission soon! He did an incredible job at his farewell. I'm gonna miss this boy. He does give some pretty dang good advice.

Evan Johnson is done working at Tie One on. Sad day. I'm going to miss him but he is going to be an incredible missionary! I can't wait to hear how he likes Portland!

New Cousin Baby Trevor Quinton. He's the cutest thing! Congrats Greg and Tara. Oh and I like the name. (I voted for that one)

This was my Texas boy driving down the street after saying goodbye. I realized I never took a picture with him and I am very upset about that. I need to do better at that. And yes, that is a really nice jeep:)

Daddy and I on the four wheeler. Like my bug eyes?! Yeah me too.

Us at the heber Rodeo Saturday night. I am a cowgirl at heart. I love Rodeo's!

Well I think it is past my bedtime! So goodnight!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bear Lake!

This was a definitely needed weekend away! Spending a weekend at Bear Lake with Annlie was amazing! I couldn't believe how similar her and Carson are now that I've spent more time with her. She would do or say things that brought back some pretty funny memories of her Brother. The lake was beautiful! I loved how blue the water was! I also saw Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time this weekend! Such a good movie. It was fun to talk to Annlie and get to know her better, as well as funny embarrassing moments about Carson. I got one of the famous raspberry shakes from Bear Lake and loved it! It was such a fun needed weekend! I hope that Annlie and I can spend more time together over the next little while! One thing I always wish is that I would have taken more pictures! I ended up taking three pictures the whole weekend. It was a blast and I love this girl!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I am officially done with my Human Anatomy Lab and I couldn't be happier! After the many late nights writing down terms to spell them correctly, the many hours with the cadavers, and all the helpful late night diet cokes I am done! I was really nervous going into this class because I heard it was hard and I was worried about the Cadaver Lab. I ended up loving this class and am really excited about the knowledge and testimony I have gained about the Human Body. We really are created by our Heavenly Father. We have incredible bodies. Let's make sure and keep them the temples that our Heavenly Father created them to be!
Now that I am done with that class, I am ready to jump into my Major classes in the fall!! It will be different than what I had planned on doing my entire life, but it will be an experience and journey that I am SOOO ready to start!
Before I jump too far to the future, I'm going to live up my summer! This weekend I get to spend with Carson's twin, Annlie, in Bear Lake! I couldn't be more excited to talk to her and have a weekend just her and I! If you aren't making the connection- Carson is the missionary that left back in January! Boy do I miss him! Coming up on 5 months though and I couldn't be more proud of him!!
I also get to go see three of my favoritest girls in a couple weeks! Kels, Lace, Kaitlyn- It's been too long!!  I've never been out to Oregon and I am hoping that I get a little bit of a taste of what they have grown up with! It will be so fun to be there with them as well as my family! I can't wait to get to see them all the time again in the fall!!

I've also made a bucket list of things I would love to do this summer! We'll see how much I get done! Maybe one of these days I'll post it up here! But I'm excited to hopefully get done and do some things that I have started and not completed or would love to do! Hello Summer!! 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer Sun!

I don't get to start my summer like everyone else does this week. I've got two more weeks of spring classes, then I will get to join in on the summer fun! I have loved my Human Anatomy class but I am counting down the days until I'm down. From the bones, to the muscles, to arteries, to veins, to all the organs, and all the little notches and bumps on all the organs. It has been a tough class but I am impressed with how much I have learned in such a short time period.
Also, Let me get out there that I have mono. I was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago. I have never been so sick in my life. I thought I was hit by a Semi Truck! Everything hurt so bad! I'm doing a little bit better now!
I also this week got my first sunburn! I'm one that sunburns quite alot. But usually after the first few sunburns it isn't too bad! Hopefully this one doesn't peel- That's my least favorite thing!
On to newer pastures for all you seniors. I can't believe it has already been a year since my graduation. I feel like it was just happening. I miss all my High School friends. I wish I could go back and relive my senior year. I would do quite a few things differently. Live it up friends. I am missing the missionary alot this week as well. I'm excited to spend a weekend with his sister at Bear Lake!  Well... That's all for today. I've got to get back to my studying. Enjoy the Sun!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

As the Adventures Continue..

Once winter semester was over, I thought I would catch a little bit of a break before Spring Semester started- That didn't happen. I was also hoping with only one class, I would still have a social life. That didn't happen either. Human Anatomy has been a very tough, but very intriguing class. I have learned lot's about the body and It has definitely strengthened my testimony of my Heavenly Father. Our bodies are COMPLEX. It has been a very good experience for me.
I also am about to hit the 4 month mark with the missionary. I miss him. I got to talk with him on Sunday and it was amazing to hear his voice. I also got to curl up in his favorite blanket and the one I would always steal when I was at his apartment. It still smells like him. It was fun to be with his family again. I enjoyed the company of his twin sister. The teasing from his dad and brother. As well as, some very nice advice from his sister-in-laws. I'm hoping that this summer I can meet his nieces and nephew, because that was all Carson talked about while they were here in December from Georgia. Carson is so great with those Kids though! Look how adorable! :)

He thinks he is so cool. Typical Boys.

We also got the wedding pictures this last week! It was so fun to look back on those moments. The videographer also sent his videos. I'm slightly embarrassed. He got some embarrassing video of me dancing. Check out some pictures! 

 She wanted the first hug from me:) I love her!
 This is my little Cousin Tyler who has Down Syndrome. He is such a sweet little guy! He loves Chad. This was such a cute moment. Tyler was patting Chad on the back. He ended up toppling down the stairs when Chad put him down though.
 The whole crew at the temple! So fun to have so many loved ones there.
 Kisses :) Love her. It's weird that she is now a Hyland. Love him though!
 Aren't they cute. I didn't realize how short my mommy was. We are so luck to have such incredible parents.
 The bridal party! We had a blast! I love all of these people!
 Beautiful women and the lucky husband. It was so fun!
 The photographer got us laughing. But I love her so much and am so grateful for the times we have had together as sisters and as well as best friends.
 The Clegg side. It was tough not having my mom's parents there, we are all really missing them. But it is nice to have a picture of almost everyone. It has been a long time since we've had one. I wish we would have taken more!
 The happy family, with my new brother! I'm so happy to have him as part of the family!
 Love these two women. They have been such examples to me. I look up to them both, and hope some day I can be just like them!
The CRAZY siblings. He wanted some personality so Chad leaned in on us. Couldn't have been a funnier moment. 
 One again, the lovely ladies.
This picture is one of my favorites. All these little girls love and adore Kandace. I know they all look up to her. She is such a good example to every single one of us! I love you Kandace!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Freshman Year. Draws to an end.

I was a very nervous, anxious little girl as I packed up to come to BYU this last fall. I was nervous about living alone without my family and friends. I couldn't imagine what my roommates were going to be like after stalking them on facebook. I didn't dare think about classes and how difficult they were going to be. I had no idea what life as a freshman was going to be like.

It has definitely been better than I would have ever expected. I have learned and grown more than I ever thought I would. I have accomplished things I never thought I could. I have had experiences that have shaped me into a more mature, better Natalie.

Let me being by thanking the multiple people that have had a huge influence on me these last 8 months.
My parents have been my rock. They have supported me through everything in my life. From clogging, to school, to sports, to student council, and even through my church callings. They have raised me and have had the biggest impact on the person I am today. I love them so much. My mom has been my inspiration. I hope that one day I can be just like her. My dad is the best. I love that he honors his priesthood and is always willing to give me a blessing in times of need.

Next is Chad and Kandace Hyland. My beautiful sister and brother-in-law as of almost a month. They are such an example to me. I hope and pray that one day I can have a love like theirs. Chad treats her like a queen and always finds way to make her feel special. It is all that she deserves. She is my best friend. She has always been the best example of doing what is right and being confident. She is very successful, and I look up to her so much. They are always so willing to feed me dinner after work or let me hang with them when I need a break. I love you two! :)

Now I can't forget my goofball of a brother Nathan. He may be bigger than me and stronger than me, but I can still take him down. It's an older sister's job to pick on him. He means more to me than he will ever know. I wish my testimony when I was his age was as strong as his. He is such an example to me. He always makes me want to be better. I love that we can tease each other but do it with love and kindness. I look up to him and love the memories that we have had together and I can't wait to create more!!

Besides my incredible family, there are two incredible girls that I have gotten to share this whole year with. 

Lacey and I have a whole lot in common! It's almost bizarre how similar we are. People may laugh, but someone was thinking and knew what they were doing when they put us together. She has taught me so many life lessons and just some crazy lessons that will be used sometime in my life. (You know what I am talking about.) I love you and I can't wait to see you around all the time next fall. 

We have made lot's of fun memories and insides jokes with each other. These girls have seen the good and the bad of me. Thanks for always putting up with me. 

We also had some pretty crazy evenings/ mornings together. We really like to steal peoples cameras and act like goofballs. Typical girls. 

Kelsey, is my favorite ginger. She definitely knows how to rock a tutu. We have had so many laughs together. We have shared so many secrets together. And she always gives the best advice. She has also taught me many life/ love lessons. OH and some pretty rocking dance moves.  I really do love her. I'm going to miss her this summer, but I can't wait to party with her all next year. 

They are always so great to support me in my endeavors. I don't think there have been many nights that I have been out late and they haven't stayed up for me to hear it all went. They are so supportive and I hope that we can be best friends for a very long time. 

One of our last nights together this year. It will be weird to say goodbye. They have impacted me so much. They are always such good examples and I can't tell you how many amazing memories we have made together. I love you both.

Now let me touch on the incredible Provo YSA 114th Ward of the Provo YSA 8th Stake. They are all amazing! I was so blessed to have such an amazing calling and having the opportunity to work with so many incredible people. We had some really fun activities and they wouldn't have been near as successful if I didn't have so much love and support from the Ward family. 

I don't think anyone will forget this memory of the ward?? :) 
It was such a blast getting to know each and everyone one of you. I wish I could have gotten to know more of you on an individual basis, but I know that you all will accomplish  so many incredible things in your life. Boys. Good Luck on your missions. And Girls. I will be seeing you all around on campus. 

Quick Thanks to an incredible Co-Chair. He really helped me out a ton. I wouldn't have been able to function with out Scott. He really save my bacon this last semester. He is incredible. Good Luck with your many incredible Endeavors Scottie-Boy! You are such a lifesaver!

I can't thank enough my favorite boys from Wyview. Good old Maxwell, C-Steve, and Snow Leopard. Thanks for always letting me crash on the couch. Thanks for always being my friend. I'm going to miss you boys. We have had some very good times and memories together. I wish you all the best of Luck on your missions and we will be having a big reunion when you all get back! :) 

Now don't let me forget those incredible Oregon and Michigan Friends!! :) Katie, Tallmadge, Aaron, Kruse, Ian, and Kaitlyn. You guys are incredible. 

I will also never forget what an impact the 8 pack had on me! Thanks for the memories! 

Don't let me forget the incredible girls in my hallway! I wish I could have gotten to know more of you! Keep Smiling! 

I can't thank everyone personally! So Thank you everyone that has had an impact on me! I appreciate your friendship and I hope we can stay in Touch!! :)

Thanks for the memories! You have all taught me so many things I am going to take with me throughout life. I appreciate every single one of you! I love you! And i can't wait to see what Sophomore Year has in store for me!! :)